06: The God of Israel sends trouble for the Philistines ( 1Samuel 5:1 – 12)

The Philistines seized the ark as plunder, but the Lord struck their towns and afflicted their people.

πŸ‘‰ Read 1Samuel 5:1 - 12

Q1. Why do you think they put the ark of the Lord in the temple of Dagon?

They thought their god, Dagon, was stronger so they defeated Israel.

The Philistines originated from the Aegean Sea, most likely the island of Crete. Dagon was the god of the Philistines. This image shows that the idol was represented in the combination of both man and fish. The name “Dagon” is derived from ‘dag’ which means ‘fish.’ -> https://bible-history.com/sketches/dagon

Q2. Why do you think God made the idol Dagon fall and strike the Philistine? (6-7)

God wants to show them not because God is weaker than Dagon that the Israelites were defeated.

Q3. What did the Philistines do to the ark?

They passed it around.

They reasoned that relocating the ark to a place associated with a stronger local deity would prevent it from causing further trouble. However, it became evident that the Lord God is sovereign over all lands. Ultimately, they recognized that the ark needed to be returned to its original place (verse 11). This also shows why the Israelites were defeated in battle: they had removed the ark from the Tabernacle, its designated location.

Q4. Find expressions telling the Lord attacked the Philistines.

verses 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.

This is the summary statement. “The terror of death was throughout the entire city; God was attacking them very severely there. The people who did not die were struck with sores; the city’s cry for helpe went all the way up to heaven.” (11-12) 

They call the ark ‘the ark of the God of Israel.’ (7, 11) Such a powerful God chose Israel as His people.

When they were defeated, and the ark was captured, they declared that the glory had departed. Yet, God remained the God of Israel. It was their presumptuous handling of the ark that provoked God's wrath, as even the Philistines recognized.


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