39: Voluntary Arrest (John 18:1 – 11)

Jesus gave in Himself to their evil plan rather than being reluctantly betrayed. And it was the Father’s will.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 18:1 - 11

Q1. In the Gospel of Matthew, Judas specified Jesus by a kiss. In the Gospel of John, how did they recognize Jesus?

Jesus Himself discloses His identity.

Jesus knew everything that was going to happen and took the initiative to bear the cross. As the King, He took action to save His people. "I have not lost a single one of those you gave me." Jesus has kept saying this in various verses in John.

When Jesus said, “I am he,” they retreated and fell to the ground. The Greek word for ‘I am he’ is ἐγώ Ξ΅αΌ°ΞΌΞΉ (Ego eimi) which literally means ‘I am.’ Jesus frequently used this expression to announce His identity. You can find a short summary of the seven ‘I am’ statements at this link. Jesus' "I Am" Statements - Thomas Nelson Bibles | Book of John

I AM was the name of the LORD revealed to Moses at Mt. Horeb (Ex 3:14). 04. Who am I? I will be with you (Ex 3:11-22) (qt-with-bible.blogspot.com) Jesus’ authoritative declaration of His divine identity overpowered them to fall. 

A similar scene is recorded in Rev 1:17, "When I saw him I fell down at his feet as though I were dead, but he placed his right hand on me and said: 'Do not be afraid! I am the first and the last.'" 

Q2. What verse clarifies that the cross was God’s will? 

Verse 11

Q3. John and Matthew have different focuses in narrating the Peter’s incident. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, ‘Am I not to drink the cup that the (          ) has given me?’ However, Matthew 26:52 records that Jesus said, ‘All who take told of the (       ) will die by the (        ).’   

In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, ‘Am I not to drink the cup that the ( Father ) has given me?’ However, Matthew recorded that Jesus said, ‘All who take told of the ( sword ) will die by the ( sword ).’ 

Matthew’s focus is the Kingdom of God. Jesus meant that the violence is not the way of the Kingdom. Meanwhile, John emphasizes Jesus is the One sent from God and faithfully accomplishes the mission. 

“I am so thankful for the ACTIVE obedience of Christ. No hope without it” – Gresham Machen. 

Because the cross was the Father’s will, our salvation is guaranteed.


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