

Preparation of conquest (CH 1 – 5)

01: The Lord commissioned Joshua after Moses’ death. (Josh 1:1 – 18)

02: Rahab, the woman of faith, encouraged Joshua (Josh 2:1 – 24)

03: The Lord led them to an untrodden path, even to the bottom of Jordan (Josh 3:1 – 17)

04: Remember that the Jordan stopped before the Lord (Josh 4:1 – 5:1)

05: Circumcise them once again (Josh 5:2 – 15)

Conquest (CH 6 - 12)

06: Jericho collapsed as the Lord’s army marched (Josh 6:1 – 27)

07: Achan caused the whole community to be contaminated (Josh 7:1 – 26)

08: Ai victory and Blessing ceremony (Josh 8:1 – 35)

09: The Gibeonites: Deceit of Faith? (Josh 9:1 – 27)

10: The Southern coalition army fought against the Lord (Josh 10:1 – 27)

11: A southern campaign: One-sided victory (Josh 10:28 – 43)

12: A northern campaign & Summary of Israel’s victory (Josh 11:1 – 23)

13: The list of the Kings defeated and their lands (Josh 12:1 - 24)

Division of the lands (CH 13 – 21)

14: Unfinished Conquest & Eastern Tribes’ lands (Josh 13:1 – 33)

15: Caleb’s lands (Josh 14:1 – 15)

16: Judah’s lands (Josh 15:1 – 63)

17: Ephraim’s lands (Josh 16:1 – 10)

18: Manasseh’s Land: Faith and courage to get the land (Josh 17:1 – 18)

19: Tribal meeting at Shiloh & Benjamin’s lands (Josh 18:1 – 28)

20: Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar (Josh 19:1 – 23)

21: Asher, Naphtali, Dan, and Joshua (Josh 19:24 - 51)

22: The Cities of Refuge: the sign of the Lord's protection (Josh 20:1 – 9)

23: The Levitical Cities (Josh 21:1 – 45)

Serving the Lord in the lands (CH 22 – 24)

24: The Altar of Witness (Josh 22:1 – 34)

25: Joshua challenged Israel: Love the Lord your God (Josh 23:1 – 16)

26: Israel renews its commitment to the Lord (Josh 24:1 – 28)

27: An era ends (Josh 24:29 - 33)


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