The Gospel of Mark

00: Introduction to the Gospel of Mark

Beginning of the Gospel

01: The Beginning of the Gospel (Mark 1:1 – 20)

Starting of Ministry in Galilee

02: People’s response to His power and authority (Mark 1:21 – 45)

03: Conflict against the gospel for sinners (Mark 2:1 – 17)

04: Resistance against the new and better way (Mark 2:18 – 3:6)

05: Broadening of ministry & not understanding family (Mark 3:7 – 35)

06: The Parable of the Sower: Hidden and Revealed (Mark 4:1 – 20)

07: The Parable of the Lamp and the Growing seed (Mark 4:21 – 34)

08: Jesus’ power over storm and demons (Mark 4:35 – 5:20)

09: Faith is the hand to grasp Jesus’ power (Mark 5:21 – 43)

Rejection and Discipleship

10: Rejection and Misunderstanding (Mark 6:1 – 29)

11: Disciples’ Blindness (Feeding 5,000 & Walking on Water) (Mark 6:30 – 52)

12: Breaking Human Tradition (Mark 7:1 – 23)

13: Healing in Gentile Towns (Mark 7:24 – 37)

14: Feeding of 4000 and Pharisees asking signs (Mark 8:1 – 21)

Revelation of the Messiah Ministry

15: Peter’s Confession and Beyond (Mark 8:22 – 9:1)

16: The Transfiguration & Lack of Faith (Mark 9:2 – 29)

17: The second prediction & the discipleship (Mark 9:30 – 50)

18: The Law vs Following Jesus: divorce, little children, the rich man (Mark 10:1 – 30)

19: Third Prediction & Disciples’ Blindness & Healing (Mark 10:32 – 52)

Entering Jerusalem & Warning

20: The Triumphal Entry & Cleansing of the Temple (Mark 11:1 – 26)

21: Controversy over Jesus’ authority & the Vineyard Tenants (Mark 11:27 – 12:12)

22: Dispute of Tax & Resurrection: The nature and the power of the Kingdom (Mark 12:13 – 34)

23: The experts in the law: Knowing but Not doing (Mark 12:35 – 44)

24: Don’t look at the building but the sign (Mark 13:1 – 23)

25: Stay alert! (Mark 13:14 – 37)

The Cross and Resurrection

26: The Passion: anointing and Passover meal (Mark 14:1 – 21)

27: The Passion: Lord’s supper & Gethsemane (Mark 14:22 – 42)

28: The Passion: Betrayal & Condemnation & Denial (Mark 14:43 – 72)

29: The Passion: Rejected by His People & Mocked by the Gentiles (Mark 15:1 – 20)

30: The Passion: Jesus' Crucifixion and Meaning of His Death (Mark 15:21 – 47)

31: The Resurrection: Go to Galilee. You will see Him there(Mark 16:1 – 20)


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