Deuteronomy QT

01: "Go and Occupy the Land" vs "Let's Send Spies"  (Deut 1:1-25)

02: “Because the Lord hates us…”  (Deut 1:25-46)

03: The meaning of 'the Lord has given the land.'  (Deut 2:1 - 25)

04: Defeat of two kings: rehearsal of Canaanite conquest  (Deut 2:26 – 3:11)

05: The allotment on the Eastern side & Moses’ refusal  (Deut 3:12 – 29)

06: Learn to revere the Lord through His statutes  (Deut 4:1 – 31)

07: Unique God and His Law (Deut 4:32 – 49)

08: The Ten Commandments: If only they would fear and obey me.  (Deut 5:1 – 33)

09: The Covenantal Principle: Love and Obey  (Deut 6:1 – 25)

10: Dispossess the Canaanites in the Land: They were not chosen  (Deut 7:1 – 11)

11: Dispossess the Canaanites: Eradicate their ways of worship.  (Deut 7:12 – 26)

12: Warning #2: Blessing comes from the Lord  (Deut 8:1 – 20)

13: Warning #3: Not because of their righteousness. They are stubborn  (Deut 9:1 – 14)

14: Warning #3: They survived through Moses' prayer  (Deut 9:15 – 29)

15: Warning #3: Cleanse your heart and stop being stubborn  (Deut 10:1 – 22)

16: The Lord set before you today a blessing and a curse  (Deut 11:1 – 32)

17: Worship in the Designated Place (#1 No other god)  (Deut 12:1 – 31)

18: Warning against Idolatry and False Prophets (#2 make no image, false teaching about God)  (Deut13:1 – 18)

19: Holy and profane & Tithe (#3 do not profane My name)  (Deut 14:1 – 29)

20: The Release of debts and slaves (#4 Sabbath law)  (Deut 15:1 – 23)

21: The Three Feasts (#4 Sabbath law) (Deut 16:1 – 17)

22: The Authorities: court & kingship (#5 honor your parents)  (Deut 16:18 – 17:20)

23: Religion of His People (Deut 18:1 – 22)

24: The Law regarding manslaughter and witnesses (#6 no murder)  (Deut 19:1 – 21)

25: The Law concerning war (#6 no murder)  (Deut 20:1 – 20)

26: Other Laws concerning human life (#6 no murder)  (Deut 21:1 – 22:8)

27: Purity in marriage relationship (#7 no adultery)  (Deut 22:8 – 30)

28: Purity in Various Areas (#7 no adultery)  (Deut 23:1 – 18)

29: Respect other’s property and rights (#8 no steal)  (Deut 23:19 – 24:7)

30: Respect for human dignity (#9 no false testimony)  (Deut 24:8 – 25:4)

31: Other laws (#10 do not covet)  (Deut 25:5 – 19)

32: Presentation of the Firstfruits and 3rd-year Tithe  (Deut 26:1 – 19)

33: The ceremony on Mt Ebal and Mt Gerizim  (Deut 27:1 – 26)

34: The Covenantal blessings and curses  (Deut 28:1 – 24)

35: Curses by defeat and deportation. Curses by reversed status  (Deut 28:25 – 46)

36: The Curse: the termination of the relationship  (Deut 28:47 – 68)

37: Obey even though you don’t understand  (Deut 29:1 – 29)

38: Covenant Reaffirmation & Exhortation to Obedience  (Deut 30:1 – 20)

39: Moses’ leadership ends & gloomy future  (Deut 31:1 – 30)

40: The Song of Moses – 1 (Deut 32:1 – 25)

41: The Song of Moses – 2 (Deut 32:26 – 52)

42: Moses’ Blessings (Deut 33:1 – 29)

43: The Death of Moses (Deut 34:1- 12)


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