The Gospel of John

00: The Introduction of the Gospel of John

01: The Word became Flesh (John 1:1 – 18)

02: Look, the Lamb of God! (John 1:19 – 34)

03: The Gospel by Testimony: Come and See. Follow Me. (John1:35 – 51)

04: My time has not yet come (John 2:1 – 23)

05: God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son (John 3:1 – 21)

06: Attitude of an Evangelist: He must become greater, I must become less (John 3:22 – 36)

07: A Gospel for All Nations: The Time Has Come, to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:1 – 26)

08: My food is to do the will of the one who sent me (John4:27 – 42)

09: The Jews in Galilee didn’t believe without a sign (John4:43 – 54)

10: The Sabbath: My Father is working, I too am working.(John 5:1 – 23)

11: Authenticity of the Testimony of Jesus (John 5:24 – 47)

12: Feeding 5000: This is the Prophet who is to come (John6:1 – 24)

13: “I Am the Bread of Life” (John 6:25 – 40)

14: The Bread that I will give is my flesh (John 6:41 – 58)

15: Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:59 – 71)

16: If anyone wants to do God’s will, He will know my teaching (John 7:1 – 24)

17: Their confusion: Where did He come from? (John 7:25 –36)

18: “From within him will flow rivers of living water”(John 7:37 – 52)

19: One without sin be the first to throw (John 8:1 – 11)

20: “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know”(John 8:12 – 30)

21: Abraham’s children and the Devil’s children (John 8:31– 59)

22: Healing of the Born Blind: ‘He is a prophet’ (John 9:1– 17)

23: For judgment, I have come: the blind may see, and the seer may become blind. (John 9:18 – 41)

24: I am the good shepherd (John 10:1 – 21)

25: ‘Tell us plainly’ vs ‘The Father and I are one.’ (John10:22 – 42)

26: I am the resurrection and the life. Do you believe this? (John 11:1 – 37)

27: Lazarus, come out! (John 11:38 – 57)

28: Anointing: You will not always have me! (John 12:1 – 19)

29: The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified(John 12:20 – 36)

30: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart.(John 12:37 – 50)

31: Jesus washed their feet (John 13:1 – 17)

32: Betrayal and Denial (John 13:18 – 38)

33: I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:1 –14)

34: The New way of discipleship through the Holy Spirit(John 14:15 – 31)

35: I am the True Vine. You are the Branches (John 15:1 –17)

36: The Holy Spirit will prove the world wrong concerning …(John 15:18 – 6:16)

37: Take courage, I have conquered the world (John 16:17 –33)

38: Jesus’ Prayer and Our Vision for the Church (John 17:1– 26)

39: Voluntary Arrest (John 18:1 – 11)

40: Trial and denials: “Have one man die for the people”(John 18:12 – 27)

41: Before Pilate: “My kingdom is not from this world.”(John 18:28 – 40)

42: Look, this is your king! “We have no king exceptCaesar!” (John 19:1 – 16)

43: The Cross: The ministry of the King (John 19:17 – 27)

44: He was the Lamb of God. “It is completed!” (John 19:28– 42)

45: More Unbelievable than Resurrection: My Father and Your Father! (John 20:1 – 18)

46: Believe and Proclaim (John 20:19 – 31)

47: Deja Vu: Confirming the Relationship (John 21:1 – 14)

48: Do you love me? Feed my sheep and follow me (John 21:15– 25)



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